Barony of Starnaer
Barony of Starnaer
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Capital | Starnaer |
Largest City | Liam's Hold |
Regent |
Lady Taera Shimmerstar |
Languages | Illuskan, Elvish |
Government |
Feudal Barony (Baroness) |
Population |
2,460 |
Realm | Duchy of Daggerford |
The Barony of Starnaer encompasses the lands of the Open Marches claimed by the Duchy of Daggerford stretching from the southern borders of the Barony of Tavboryn in the north to the northern borders of the Barony of Vaelendaer in the south, and from the Sword Coast in the west to the eaves of the Misty Forest in the east.
Province Breakdown
Province | Law | Temple | Guild | Source |
Starnaer (2/3) |
TS (1), PD (1) |
Ch (1), Mys (1) |
TS (1), TU (1) |
TS (2), Ali (1) |
Starnaer Holding | Level | Type | Regent | Description |
Court of the Sheriff |
1 |
Law |
Sheriff Shalindra Stormeye (Pwyll Daggerford) |
The Duke of Daggerford maintains the office of the sheriff, in the person of the Sheriff Shalindra Stormeye, a half-elven ranger and long time friend of the Duke from his adventuring days. The authority of the sheriff is enforced by "Shalindra's Riders", a contingent of a fluctuating double dozen of rangers and semi-retired hunters who specialize in keeping back the blight of the Haglands and hunting down the occasional bandit or monstrous left over from the Dragonspear War. |
Court of the Baroness |
1 |
Law |
Lady Taera Shimmerstar |
The day-to-day court functions of the Baroness are conducted by the lady Taera Shimmerstar from her fortified estate of Starnaer near Liam's Hold. The so-called "Baron Enchantress" is another former adventuring companion of the Duke, and when she is not holding court she is often investigating the magical secrets left behind by the many fallen realms that have called Starnaer their home in ages past. |
Harvestfold House |
1 |
Temple |
Harvestmaster Bombur Wattledaub |
The only true temple in the Barony of Starnaer is the walled abbey of Chauntea at Harvestfold House located off the Trade Way. Sheltered behind high, old stone walls, the monks of Harvestfold raise record bounties of wheat, barley, and oats and have also perfected a rich amber ale called "Harvestmoon". |
Shrine of Seven Stars |
1 |
Temple |
Lady Taera Shimmerstar |
Within Starnaer stands a newly re-consecrated shrine to Mystra built and tended by Lady Shimmerstar and her few apprentices. Though not truly a functioning temple as such, it is said to hold some special relic of the Chosen dating back to the Stag Kingdom of Athalantar. |
Star's Vigil |
2 |
Source |
Lady Taera Shimmerstar |
Star's Vigil is the central tower and celestial observatory of the Lady Shimmerstar. From it's heights she can see nearly every point within her realm and, it is said, counter the magical influences of the Three. |
Alicorn Tower of Mab |
1 |
Source |
Unknown |
Sitting upon a conflux of ley lines, the enigmatic Alicorn Tower of Mab is said to belong to the wizard Mab, the one time master of Gwydion pen Dafwyd of Daggerford. The magic protecting the tower is reputedly impervious to penetration and has resisted the efforts of both Lady Shimmerstar and many others over the years. |
Places of Interest
Alicorn Tower of Mab
The Alicorn Tower of Mab sits astride a granite plug, north of the Way Inn, some ten miles east of the Trade Way. This slender, curving spire resembles the spiral horn of a unicorn and flickers with blue faerie fire when bathed in moonlight. The tower has no windows or battlements, and the only apparent means of entry is a rune-carved door built into the rockface directly below the tower. The tower is named for a disgraced and fallen wizard who rebuilt his graces and good name serving in Daggerford before building this tower and retiring inside. No one has heard from him in the decades since.
Ambergul Estate
Not much remains of the Ambergul Estate, in fact the mansion proper is no more than a few crumbled walls.
Historically the Ambergul family were Phalorm nobles who, after falling on hard times rebuilt its fortune by robbing graves. These human nobles pillaged tombs up and down the Sword Coast and throughout the Heartlands, while their caravels scoured the coastline for sunken wrecks to plunder.
Lord Reynard Ambergul was an evil man by all accounts, and came into possession of several well preserved scrolls that described evil elemental beings of great power. He became obsessed with them and used his influence and money to found a secret society dedicated to the worship of these “elemental princes.” Reynard was a seductive man, and he attracted all manner of like-minded nobles. Eventually, the elemental cult became a sensation and subject of much speculation within Phalormin society. At first, the cult was an excuse for frivolous nobles to act badly and thumb their noses at traditional religions and social gatherings. However, certain members of the cult began to take their worship of the Elemental Princes of Evil very seriously, going so far as to build a secret temple and bring wizards into the fold. Some of the less enfranchised members who wanted out were afraid the cult leaders wouldn’t let them, so they agreed to tip off the local authorities. When Reynard Ambergul and the other cult leaders discovered that their activities were being monitored and people were whispering behind their backs, they tore down the temple, buried evidence, eliminated “loose ends,” and left the area.
No one knows where, if any, of the remaining Ambergul’s are hiding.
This hamlet stands on the western side of the Trade Way, a half-days ride north of the Way Inn. Named because it was just a bowshot away from the Misty Forest, it's been a logging center for a hundred years and its been so successful that the forest is now miles away to the east.
Bowshot consists of the Bowshot Inn, a sawmill, six farms (two run by men who shoe horses as well as any smith), and almost a dozen home woodcarvers who turn out yokes, coffers, wheel spokes, tool handles, and whimsical carvings. The place deserves mention because of recently discovered caves beneath its western fringes. They are entered from the horse-well behind the inn, and by at least one cave mouth in the stands of trees north and west of the hamlet.
The Bowshot caverns show evidence of connections to deeper subterranean areas and of past use by smugglers. Some stolen goods were recently recovered from the caves and returned to their rightful owners in Waterdeep. With them were crates of ore very rich in silver, presumably mined in the deeps below the caverns.
Theres local talk of hiring or inducing an adventuring company to dwell in Bowshot and mount a constant guard over the cavern entrancesand even of founding a company to mine and smelt silver in the depths, its workers protected by the hired adventurers. So far, no adventurers have agreed to such a defensive role. Many have come to the caverns and then moved on, talking of man-spiders in the deep ways.
- Andalors Mill (Lumber Mill)
Ulmyn Andalor is an affable, portly man with a curly white beard and a bald pate who goes about covered with sawdust. He runs an always-busy mill that provides Waterdeep and Daggerford with cheap, plentiful green lumber. A copper piece will buy three posts as tall as an adult human male, or five 3-hands-width boards of the same length.
- The Bowshot Inn (Inn)
This mediocre inn is a dim, chilly log structure that serves bad ale brought by the barrel from Waterdeep. The proprietor sells good hand crossbows for the traveler desiring self-protection and a little squirrel or fowl hunting. Eveningfeast here is usually a gummy stew made from those same squirrels or some wildfowl, and served with thick slices of adequate onion bread.
Liam's Hold
This hamlet of about 50 folk stands on the eastern side of the Trade Way about a days travel south of Daggerford. A flat-topped tor of bare rock, about two acres in area, overlooks the road. It is ringed by a low stone wall, and at the south end stands a crumbling keep tower. The settlement is crammed onto the top of the tor, with its grazing and tillage fields to the east and a pasture for passing caravans to camp in just to the south, overlooked by the tower.
The tower was the fortress-home of the powerful wizard and warrior Sunder Halyndliam, whose name's been shortened locally over the years to Liam. The hamlet is named in his memory - partially because his silent armored wraith, chilling blade in hand, is said to still defend the tower against intruders. It is certain that no fewer than six thieves have been found dead at the base of the tor, having fallen from the tower during the night.
Liam is buried in a spell-guarded crypt deep under the tower. Although he's said to lie in a casket with all his spellbooks, a magical staff, an enchanted blade, and magical rings on his fingers, no adventurers, thieves, or rival wizards have succeeded in plundering his remains. They have failed because of the other-planar creatures that guard his tomb and local folk who furiously deny access to the crypt. They do so thanks to a community legend that says the tower was raised with magic and removal of Liam's magic will cause it to topple, crushing the hamlet under falling stone. This is why every possibly magical bauble Liam possessed was buried with him.
Today, the tower is part of the Holdfast Inn, which is good enough to deserve coverage in any guidebook to Sword Coast establishments.
- The Holdfast Inn (Inn)
This inn consists of Liams tower, full of ornately carved stone stairs and arched windows. The tower has three two-story-high wings stretching out from it. Two stand along the parapet walls of the Hold, and the third (the kitchen and pantries) joins the stables, enfolding the inns entry courtyard. All of the inn is built of stone. The halls are carpeted against the chill with furs atop rushes, and the bedchambers sport floor furs, window hangings to keep out cold breezes, and curtained and canopied beds.
Service at the Holdfast is attentive, with warming pans placed in the beds on cold nights, a nightkiss drink at bedside without charge, plentiful wash water and towels, warming robes for guests, and generous, filling food. A stay at the Holdfast is an experience not to be missed. Many merchants specially arrange their travels so they can stop here and relax.